
Showing posts from October, 2019

5 Lesser-known, but Awesome Racing Stories

5 Lesser-Known, but Awesome Racing Stories By Brian Cotnoir I love hearing obscure stories about racing that almost sound unbelievable.    Recently, I’ve noticed that NASCAR every year during Daytona Speedweek’s releases these short documentary films about racing legends like Mario Andretti, Bobby Isaac, and Smokey Yunick.   And of course, on the Dale Jr. Download, I love hearing all the former drivers, owners, and crew members tell stories about all the crazy stuff that happened on and off the track from the 1960-1990’s.   It’s not just limited to NASCAR, as I do more research in other froms of Auto Racing, I’m finding that Formula 1, Indycar, and even ARCA have their own unique legends in racing. Some of these races have gone down in infamy: Richard Petty being allowed to keep his 199 th career win despite an illegal engine, and running left side tires on his right side, Dale Sr. leaning out his window to clean his windshield while still driving his car at Richmond, Br

The 10 WORST performing Formula 1 Drivers of All-Time!

The 10 WORST performing Formula 1 Drivers of All-Time! A List Compiled by Brian Cotnoir Oh it’s a debate that seemingly endless debate across all forms of Auto Racing: who is the worst race car driver of all-time?   Maybe it wasn’t all the drivers fault, maybe it was a bad car design, maybe it was a bad engine, maybe it was a bad season, maybe the whole season was dominated by 1-3 drivers when they ran?    Whatever the reason some drivers in Formula 1 just could not get the right results.   I’m not saying these drivers are the absolute worst drivers in History….just the worst in Formula 1.   I looked at stats, I crunched some numbers, and I think I can safely say this list will show you the Worst Drivers in the History of F1.   If you’re wondering what kind of mathematic formula I used to calculate the drivers score, I attempted earlier when writing this article to explain it, and I just couldn’t make it clear enough to explain, but I can tell you I factored in things

Top 5 Worst Performing Larrousse F1 drivers

Top 5 Worst Performing Larrousse F1 drivers By: Brian Cotnoir Larrousse F1 was another French Formula 1 team that competed in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s with the likes of Renault and Ligier.   While those other French Formula 1 constructors found some moderate success during this time, Larrousse F1 was unfortunately never able to find their footing in the sport.    Larrousse suffered from managerial and ownership issues, a disastrous engine deal with Lamborghini that led to dozens of race retirements, and a slew of underperforming drivers.   I’m actually surprised that Larrousse was able to stay in F1 as long as they did considering how many terrible results they had.   5.)   Eric Bernard, 2 Seasons, 6 Championship Points Scored, Average Points Finish 16 th Eric Bernard made his F1 debut with Larrousse in 1989 and ran full-time for the team in 1990 and 1991.    He was teamed up with Aguri Suzuki for his first season, and finished 13 th in the Final Drivers’ Sta

My 5 Favorite F1 Liveries

My 5 Favorite F1 Liveries A List by Brian Cotnoir           I’m now on my fourth season of watching Formula 1 racing, and yeah, I’m still hooked.    When I’m not writing my other articles on Formula 1, and watching races, I’m learning as much as I can about Formula 1 racing.   It’s been a nice series to follow ever since I gave up on NASCAR, and it has such a rich and interesting history.    I am by no means an expert on Formula, but one thing that still cracks me up is how upset F1 fans (especially in the UK) get when I refer to make some amends, of sorts, and I want to talk about my Favorite F1   Liveries.    5.)   Hans Joachim Stuck, March 761 March Grand Prix in the 1970’s was just a clusterf*ck of crazy.   They had 3 full-time drivers in 1976, none of them had the same livery, and my favorite one was the Jagermeister car driven by Hans Joachim-Stuck.   I like this car for really two reasons; one Jagermeister is one of my favorite alcohol brands, and the orange pai

Top 5 Worst Performing Osella Squadra Corse drivers

Top 5 Worst Performing Osella Squardra Corse drivers A List By Brian Cotnoir While not as a famous or as known as a Ferrari, Minardi, or even BMS Scuderia Italia, Osella Squadra Corse (or Osella) managed to last a decade in Formula 1, and only scored 5 total Championship points in their 10 years of existence    This was another Formula 1 team, I never heard of before I started doing research for this article, but as some of you may see some of the worst drivers for Osella have also made appearances on some of the other Worst Performing F1 drives lists. 5.)   Eddie Cheever, 1 Season (1980), 0 Championship points scored, 4 DNQ’s, Best Finish 12 th at the Italian Grand Prix I was very surprised to find out that American and future Indy 500 winner, Eddie Cheever was the first driver for Osella in 1980.   He ran Formula 2 the year prior for Osella team and won 3 races.   He ran a single-car entry for the team, and had some very unfortunate results.    In 14 starts with Osel