Dear Kyle Larson, I'm sorry

Dear Kyle Larson,

I'm sorry.  Back and August I published an article on my blog called "NASCAR doesn't need Kyle Larson" and at the time I meant it.  At the time I felt that you had sullied the sport of NASCAR and that there was little to no chance at redemption for what you said and did.   I was wrong.   Clearly I was.  You're back in NASCAR and you have a great deal of support behind you, and I would like to be one of those people who support you and cheer for you.   

I remember when I first saw you in the Truck Series back in 2011-2013-ish, I thought this guy is going to be a Superstar!   Kyle I do want to see you succeed in NASCAR again.   I know you made the biggest and dumbest mistake of your life when you said that word, and I know you regret it.   I do believe you have been genuinely sincere and that you have made efforts to better yourself.

I let my emotions get the best of me, and I should have put more thought into my article before publishing it.  Truth is I'm no saint either.   I am a highly flawed person and need to work on bettering myself too.  In the past I've called people nasty names and insulted their intelligence.  I regret it and wish I could take back some of the things I've said. 

I'm glad you're back in NASCAR, and I hope you have lots of success in your return.   Here's hoping that you have a successful season and continue down the road of redemption.  I'll be pulling for you, and I now look at you as an inspiration for betting myself.   Good Luck at Daytona, and I hope you can forgive me for writing & publishing my previous article.


Brian Cotnoir


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